Universal Design Events in Second Life

Update 4-30-11

Universal design event 4-30-11

Students gave a repeat performance of their talk on universal design on Saturday, April 30. This was a much larger group (about 25) than Thursday’s event. Gentle Heron and ISkye Silverweb from Virtual Ability and Health Info Island and others from the U.S. and Europe attended. Discussion was lively and included questions about advantages, disadvantages, and application of specific universal design features and how universal design can promote inclusion. We set up tours of the adapted home and playground at Eduisland 2 (main location) and the Garden of Healthy Aging for Saturday, May 7 and Wednesday, May 11, both at 11 am SLT. The starting point will be Eduisland 2 both times). Students will also present their talk on universal design again on May 18, at 11 am at Health Info Island.

universal design event 4-28-11

Universal Design event 4-28-11

To celebrate Occupational Therapy Month, first year OT students Vironica and Rukii are presenting, “Universal design: Why should we care?” at two sessions at the main site of the OT Center at Jefferson in Second Life. The first of these was held on Thursday, April 28 from 7:30 AM to 8:30 AM EDT and included a presentation, discussion, and 3D illustration. The session will be repeated on Saturday, April 30 from 2-3 PM EDT.
When we do these events, we like to provide Second Life residents with different time options, since our audience is from all over the world. Thursday’s presentation included an individual from Germany in the audience. We are looking forward to Saturday’s presentation and hope to see you there!

Promoting Occupational Therapy in Virtual Environments

Promoting Occupational Therapy in Virtual Environments

On Friday April 15, Veronica, Elizabeth, Kaitlin, and I presented our poster at AOTA, Promoting_OT_virtual_env. [BTW, I tried to avoid using a colon as recommended but could not take it out for some reason! See Colin Purrington’s guide to successful poster presentation for a humorous look at colon use.]
Many people stopped by, and there appeared to be a lot of interest. The students did a great job fielding questions and discussing the process of exhibit and event development. Common questions included “how long did it take you to create each exhibit” (about 3 months altogether) and “do you have any idea how many people have seen this?”